Mountain Lakes PBS

Mountain Lake PBS (MLPBS) is the public broadcasting service that serves the eastern Adirondacks and the Champlain valley, including western Vermont.  As such it provides a critical information link to the North Country where it is the only remaining independent media outlet.

In early 2106 MLPBS approached the Cloudsplitter Foundation seeking a grant to underwrite a television series “Veterans Coming Home: Spotlight on the Adirondacks”.  This series, which was produced and widely viewed, highlighted the problems facing returning veterans, especially those with PTSD or physical injuries.  MLPBS requested a grant of $19,930.  Our board voted a grant of $10,000. The grant completed successfully in 2017.

In 2018 MLPBS again asked the Cloudsplitter Foundation for support, this time for help in expanding its storytelling capacity through upgrades to its information technology platforms.  In April of 2018 the board awarded MLPBS $5,000 to help them with this expansion.

  • Grant Name:  [1] Series on returning veterans; [2] Expanded storytelling
  • Project Size: [1] $100,000; [2] $72,250
  • Grant Amount: [1] $10,000; [2] $5,000